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The New York Times, among many others, reporting:
>The average official’s salary will rise to $173,000 in 2013 from 149,000 in 2011.
And America, myself included, breathes a big sigh of relief. But I wonder if everyone would still be vocally supporting the refs if they knew that they were nonprofit employees. That's right, [the NFL is a nonprofit](http://nonprofitquarterly.org/policysocial-context/19946-why-isnt-the-nfl-taxed.html).
The irony, of course, is that we'd still be happy to pay them that much—growing to $200k by 2019—because we need good people doing their job well. [Dan Pallotta}(http://blogs.hbr.org/pallotta/2012/01/an-executive-pay-witch-hunt.html) and others are, of course, right on this.